Rozgar Setu

  • Covid pandemic has displaced millions of migrants across India who have been forced to leave their work and return to their native place.
  • Today the migrant workers have no job and their employers business has come to a standstill for want for workers.
  • Rozgar Setu is the bridge between these migrant workers and the employers in India.
  • Rozgar Setu offers a platform for migrant workers having different skills to procure a job according to their skill.
  • Rozgar Setu offers a platform for the employers to source blue collared workers as per their requisite with many more added features to employ blue collared workers hassle free.

Jobs Abroad

  • India is a developing country and we still lag from developed countries in multiple front.
  • Working abroad provides an opportunity to understand the latest development in the world.
  • The payment from opportunities abroad is at least double as being paid by the Indian counterparts for the same job.
  • The payment received from abroad is tax free.
  • We have excellent network in Middle East and USA with the firms directly in contact with us and without any mediator.
  • We help individuals to get a job abroad while they apply from India.
  • We provide placement exclusively for blue collared employees only.